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Adult Hypothyroidism

9.1 HISTORICAL The full-blown expression of hypothyroidism is known as myxedema. Adult myxedema escaped serious attention until Gull described it in 1874 1 . That it was a state resembling the familiar endemic cretinism, but coming on in adult life, was what chiefly impressed Gull. Ord 2 invented the term myxedema in 1873. The disorder […]


POSTPARTUM DISEASE Q  My name is xxxx and I stumbled across your webpage while doing a google search. I don’t know if you are able to answer any questions or give any advice but I am in desperate need of direction. A little over a year ago, I had a child. Eight days after his […]

Thyrotoxicosis of other Etiologies

INTRODUCTION Thyrotoxicosis is defined as the clinical syndrome of hypermetabolism resulting from increased free thyroxine (T4) and/or free triiodothyronine (T3) serum levels (1). The term thyrotoxicosis is not synonymous with hyperthyroidism, the elevation in thyroid hormone levels caused by an increase in their biosynthesis and secretion by the thyroid gland (Table 1) (2). For example, […]

Ask an Expert

Any physician may submit a question regarding a thyroid patient to and one of our panel of expert thyroidologists will attempt to provide an answer as soon as possible by return Email. Physicians should provide adequate clinical information about the problem, and provide their name, office address, and telephone number. We will send an […]

Need for Iodine Supplementation During Pregnancy

Question About 3 years ago, I asked this thyroid manager whether it thought that hypothyroid women with autoimmune thyroid disease receiving levothyroxine (in treatment during pregnancy with increased doses of levothyroxine from the very beginning of pregnancy) should receive iodine supplements or not. At the time I was worried about the risk of a prolonged […]

Rightward shift in serum TSH range in individuals with exceptional longevity

TOPIC: TSH reference range increases with aging Title: Extreme longevity is associated with increased serum thyrotropin. Authors: Atzmon G, Barzilai N, Hollowell JG, Surks MI, & Gabriely I. Reference: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 94: 1251-1254, 2009 Summary Context The TSH reference range, specifically the setting of the upper reference limit, is currently controversial. […]

Hypothyroidism and Pregnancy

Question My husband and I are trying to conceive and I have Hypothyroidism-I was diagnosed shortly after birth (at 29 weeks) and have been on a regimine of eltroxin ever since (ranging from 0.1 to 0.137 at present-Synthroid didn’t agree with me and made me retain more water). There have been several changes with my […]

2008 Patient Questions

Dear Andrea, Thank you for your email. You have Graves’ disease with some eye problems which occur with Graves’ disease. It is not clear whether you are still hyperthyroid (over active) but you certainly need your T3 and T4 checked carefully. Propanolol can sometimes interfere with the thyroid function test to a small degree. If […]

Topical Patient Questions 2008

Questions answered by Dr John Lazarus 1 Antithyroid drugs, Carbimazole I would like to ask a question for the thryoid disease manager web site. I am 58 and have Graves disease being controlled by carmbimazole 10mg daily. I am feeling very well and able to live a full and active life. Last test results l.4 […]

Heritable (versus environmental) contribution to determine normal thyroid function pattern

TOPIC: Genetics of hypothalamic-pituitary axis Title: Heritability of serum TSH, free T4 and free T2 concentrations: a study of a large UK twin cohort. Authors: Panicker V, Wilson SG, Spector TD, Brown SJ, Falchi M, Richards JB, Surdulescu GL, Lim EM, Flectcher SJ, & Walsh JP. Reference: Clinical Endocrinology 68: 652-659, 2008 Summary Objective Thyroid […]

Role of D3 in the development of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis

TOPIC: Thyroid hormone metabolism & action Title: Type 2 deiodinase deficiency results in functional abnormalities at multiple levels of the thyroid axis. Authors: Hernandez A, Martinez ME, Liao XH, Van Sande J, Refetoff S, Galton VA, & St Germain DL. Reference: Endocrinology 148: 5680-5687, 2007 Summary Background The type 3 deiodinase (D3) is a selenoenzyme […]

2007 Patient Questions

TREATING HYPERTHYROIDISM12/1/2007 Question My mother had been diagnosed as Hyperthyroidism and she is now having her medication to controlling her thyroid hormone for 3 months which will be continue for a year if her thyroid level still in high risk, what I want to ask are : to gain her weight since she is […]

Long-term TSH suppression in Graves- hyperthyroidism

Topic: GRAVES- HYPERTHYROIDISM Title: Continued suppression of serum TSH level may be attributed to TSH receptor antibody activity as well as the severity of thyrotoxicosis and the time to recovery of thyroid hormone in treated euthyroid Graves- patients. Authors: Chung YJ, Lee BW, Kim J-Y, Jung JH, Min Y-K, Lee M-S, Lee M-K, Kim K-W, […]

Iodine Supplements in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Question Patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are more susceptible to developing a Wolf-Chaikoff reaction to iodine excess than patients without thyroid disease. Yet pregnant women are all being recommended by some to take 250 mcg of iodine during pregnancy and lactation. If you make sure pre-pregancy hypothyroid patients are treated to assure TSH<2,5 and once pregnant […]

Neonate with Possible Hypothyroidism

Question 2 month old baby,male, was born full term, birth weight 3.2kg. No neonatal complications. No hipoglicemia, jaundice or micropenis. Normal newborn screening (Normal TSH and Free T4). Maternal data: no medications during pregnancy or breastfeeding, no problems during pregnancy. Normal Thyroid function test.No hoarse cry, facial puffiness, umbilical hernia, hypotonia, mottling, cold hands and […]

Normal Thyroid Tests Except for Elevated RT3

Question I am a physician who practice in El Paso, TX. I just got a patient complaining of fatigue with the following thyroid panel results: TSH – 2.04 uIU/mL T4 Total – 8.55 ug/dL (4.87 – 11.72) T Uptake – 43.3 % (32 – 51) Free Tiroxine Index – 9.26 ug/dL (5.93 – 13.13) T3 […]

Neonate with Large Goiter

Question Full term newborn male with a hx of IUGR in utero born to a mother who smoked during pregnancy but who has no hx of thyroid problems, who at birth has some respiratory distress and is noted to have a large neck mass. TSH is 775mcIU/ml and free T4 is 0.39 ng/dl so he […]

Evaluation of Thyroid Function in Health and Disease

Archived This chapter has been superceded by  newer chapters (See Homepage). However this Chapter, written originally by Dr Samuel Refetoff and updated by Drs Franklyn and Shephard, remains a treasure trove of information on many now-obscure thyroid tests, and references. For that reason we maintain it as a part of our Archive for use of […]